Sunday, January 10, 2010

First post:) Hello, Once again it’s time for another trip. Although, this isn’t a normal trip; it’s more extensive and requires much more. For those of you who don’t know I’m headed to South Africa once again. This time I am going to be attending a DTS (Discipleship Training School) with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). The Focus of this school is children, but the deeper focus is trying to create a sense of home for them. The first three months that I’ll be there I will be training for outreach and schooling. Teachings in the DTS include topics on father heart of God, relationships, cross-cultural studies, nature and character of God, identity in Christ, spiritual warfare, and more. A basic run down of each week will consist of Prayer and worship, teachings, quiet times, small groups, work duties, intercession, and once a week we’ll go and work in the communities. Previously this school has gone to Mozambique and Uganda to work with children for their outreach. We could be doing anything from work projects, feeding programs, loving on the kids, and more. Once a month we’ll be doing what they call “creative expressions using various forms of arts, and during the outreach phase we’ll be doing a community stay with a child headed household. Although we won’t know our outreach location until the first couple weeks of school, two possible ideas for would be Zambia and/or Malawi. There are about 17 people, some Americans, in my class and going on outreach. This is a very exciting trip and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for me and how He’s going to transform me and my life, and to share it all with you. This school, just like all other schools isn’t free. It costs about $4,000.00 plus airfare. I’m covered for schooling and airfare to and from, but I’m short on outreach airfare. I have about $800.00 for outreach and I need around $2000.00. If you would like to support me financially my church has set up an account for me. If you are going to be sponsoring through a check know that it is tax-deductible, but only if my name is nowhere on the check itself. Please attach a note saying that it is for Breanna Oliver.
The church address is: First Presbyterian Church c/o Jennifer Nickels 1307 E. 3rd Ave. Ellensburg, WA 98926 Although financial support is important, so is support through prayer. This is going to be a very amazing and self changing experience for me, but also a very challenging experience. Thank you so much for all the prayers and those who have already supported me financially. It is very much appreciated. If you would like to be placed on an e-mail update list for while I’m gone please e-mail me at with “e-mail update” in the subject line, or if you know of any others that would like to be on the update please let me know. Blessings, Breanna Oliver P.S. A couple people have asked about where they could send letters or care packages. Here is the address you can send them too. (I would love letters they’re the best.)

Breanna Oliver
Youth With A Mission
P.O. Box 4450
White River, Mpumulanga 1240
South Africa

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