Friday, March 05, 2010

More Information about Zambia!

So after a two day straight travel to Zambia on a bus, we will stop into Lusaka and change vehicles. From there we will go way up north to lake Tanganyika in Mpulungu (by the borders of the Congo and Tanzania.

Some information about the area:

1. lake Tanganyika is the second largest lake in Africa.
2. longest fresh water in the world and second deepest.
3. 1% christian
4. we'll help with schools
5. visit by boat to village because we'll be living on a lake.
6. youth camp in april that we'll be helping with.
7. the group is called "good news"

Here is our weekly schedule:
Monday: day of fasting. good news school, work, discipleship and prayer.
Tuesday: good news school, work, adult literacy, work
Wednesday: children's ministry, good news school, work, children's ministry, prison ministry, outreach to Mwanangwa village (across the lake, we'll take a boat).
Thursday: good news school, work, adult literacy, work
Friday: Good news school, work, prison ministry, scripture union, work
Saturday: wash clothes(by hand) then free day
Sunday: church, youth meeting.

Here is our daily schedule:
5:30 - personal quiet time
6:15 - breakfast preparation
6:45 - breakfast
7:15 - work/ministry
noon - orphan lunch
12:30 - lunch
2:00 - work
6:00 - super (dinner)

Good news school: paint sign for new location, help in class with activities daily, make materials/resources for classrooms and pupils.

Work on building site of new school
house duties:kitchen, preparing breakfast, cleaning up after every meal, cleaning rooms, lounge, corridor and bathrooms, watering of vegetable and flower garden.

work on medical boat.
visit by boat to village
youth camp april 21-26

to see the people living around lake Tanganyika brought into the kingdom of God, worshiping him in spirit and in truth.

the approach to impact the people living around lake Tanganyika with the love of Christ will be implemented in the following ways:

prayer: with an active prayer strategy we plan to target the area and the people with the gospel. The soil needs to be prepared and the walls rebuild.

evangelism/church planting: planting self-duplication, self-sustaining, indigenous churches among the least-reached ethno-linguistic groups around the lake. working with existing churches and believers in towns and established areas and support them with resources like the Jesus film, short-term outreach teams, literature and seminars. the conveying of the good news forms the basic foundation from which the total need of communities and peoples will be addressed.

training: equipping spiritual leaders and believers, through leadership training and discipleship, to live out their faith effectively forms a crucial building block in our approach to reach people with the love of Christ.

social: social felt needs must be addressed. the social approach will focus on community development projects in healthcare, nutrition, education, literacy, business, agriculture, care for orphans, post war support and human development training programs.

goal: the goal is to have a holistic ministry so that the spiritual and physical needs of the people are met. the existing lifestyle must be challenged with new values and morals ( a whole new way of life). it should spill over into every area of life and society.

Things we'll possibly be eating ....
1. rats....
2. pap (a mealie meal, kinda like a maze, but half cooked and kinda dry with nothing added)
3. beans or some sort of topping for the pap. (said as pop)
4. bugs .... probably worms...
5. fish, since we live on a lake.

we're not allowed to look people in the eyes because it's a sign of disrespect, also when greeting elders we have to bow to one need and clap three times, then shake their hand. While shaking their half one hand is holding the other elbow, so it's supporting the hand you're using to shake.

this is going to be a very interesting experience. can't wait to share it will you all. i'll up date more when i have more information.

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